The RemAgainstDisc project for reinforcing historical memory of the Porrajmos and combating discrimination aimed to reconstruct the memory of the discrimination and persecution that people belonging to the Roma and Sinti minority suffered during Nazi-fascism and, through this, build a more inclusive society today.
The project was funded under the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme, and involved the Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights (CILD), the University of Florence, Sucar Drom and Associazione 21 Luglio. RemAgainstDisc gave continuity to the project “MEMORS – the first virtual museum of the Porrajmos in Italy: the persecution of Roma and Sinti in the fascist period”, financed by the European Union in 2012-2013 within the EACEA programme and implemented by Federazione Rom e Sinti Insieme, Università Telematica “Leonardo Da Vinci”, Fondazione Fossoli and Sucar Drom.
The preservation of historical memory is fundamental for promoting policies aimed at strengthening inclusion, as it implies a recognition of full citizenship. This is especially true with regard to events concerning persecuted populations, including those who were victims of genocide by Nazi-fascist regimes.
It is precisely by starting with the remembrance of the discrimination suffered by Roma and Sinti minorities in the past, that one can help fight the discrimination that still affects them today, based on many of the harmful stereotypes used in that historical period, which have survived despite the advent of democratic systems.
The RemAgainstDisc project engaged in a new historical research project, the results of which were included in this virtual museum. For the first time in Italy, this museum offered a guide to the genocide suffered by Sinti and Roma people during Nazi-Fascism. The museum has been redesigned in terms of both content and graphics to offer a better experience for visitors. All materials are also translated into English to make this museum accessible also outside Italy and thus enable the dissemination of the historical memory of this extermination.